So, as many are probably aware, I'm really into RPGs. For some reason that escapes me, it seems to be a genre that gets more remakes than any other. Not that I'm complaining, personally I'm really keen on them. I'm not entirely sure why either, but the idea of replaying a game I've already been through with a few more tweaks, graphically or otherwise, is something that is more appealing to me than actually playing something new.
I'm not completely sure of the reason why, the main thing that comes to mind is that it's the closest thing there is to a combination of old and new. They maintain the retro feel of an old RPG, especially with a traditional Good vs Evil storyline, produced with the technology and in many instances, the improved scriptwriting of today.
The Good vs Evil storyline is definitely something that appeals to me, even with the cliches that go with it. I suppose the main reason for that is that I'm fond of the characters being clearly defined in simple black and white terms, with the rare character who has shades of grey in their moral compass. This is opposed to many modern RPGs where most characters have shades of grey in their character, and are somewhat morally ambiguous. For me, I find it more interesting when it's only a handful of characters have something suspicious in their past, rather than every character having something special about them.
Perhaps I've become somewhat sceptical over the years towards new RPGs. The more I'm writing about this topic, the more I find myself remembering the games that are particular offenders. Obviously, there are exceptions to this, my options would be extremely limited if I only played remakes. To an extent, it's probably more the fact that I enjoy the setting and feel of a classic RPG, as there's been a handful of new RPGs lately that have a retro feel to them, such as Dark Spire and Etrian Odyssey. Hopefully this doesn't mean it's just a case of rose-tinted glasses, due to them being new titles, but I'm not ruling out the possibility.
Actually, it's occured to me that most of what I've written here is essentially a side topic to what I meant to say from the beginning. I'll have to have a follow up article I think, there's potentially a lot of things I could talk about on this topic, as this post has actually proven.