Monday 11 January 2010

Most played 2009

Well hey, look at that! Second time I've made one of these entries! This blog can't be doing too badly! Or what's more likely is that I'm not bored yet of typing words into the ether on a vaguely regular basis. Regardless, it's the same deal as last time. I'm simply giving impressions of my most played games for the year, since I've never been too great at keeping up to date with new releases.

Ridge Racer 6

Which this title does a good job of proving. While Ridge 6 was a launch title for the 360 several years ago, I only got around to actually playing it last year. I've always been a fan of Ridge Racer, and while 5 was a bit poor, 6 is definitely back to how Ridge should be, awesome cars, fancy scenery and a great soundtrack. It's still not quite as good as Type 4, but it's a solid title nonetheless. Absolutely love the remix of the Galaga theme that's featured in this as well, but I've got a thing for retro remixes to begin with. Only downside is the amount of time and effort required to unlock everything, there's about five hundred races at least if you want to get all of the cars in it, and that's still not enough to finish the game! Obscene stuff really.

Resident Evil 5

It's weird, it actually feels like a really long time since I've played this, and it probably is. The thing is, I'd waited so long for this that I ended up blitzing through it about three times in one week. Then I moved onto the extra modes. After that, it became pretty hard to consider playing it again, I completely overdid it. I admit, it was partly for the achievements in it, but I honestly loved playing through for that one lone week. It was probably the joy of having the old gang back in the game. Now if only they'd get around to having Barry back in the series.

Left 4 Dead

It took me a little while to properly get into this, even though I bought it the previous year. It's hard to really say anything about it that hasn't been said already, I mean, in a sense there's not actually a great deal to it. But considering I'm mildly into FPSs, quite strongly into things featuring zombies, and enjoy what I've played by Valve, it's quite hard to go wrong with it. While the sequel is already out, I've got to admit that I don't feel any need to get it, I'm more than happy with the original at the moment. Once I started playing for achievements, I really got into it, it's not really the sort of game that's made for playing through in one sitting, it gets better the more it's played. Still haven't finished a campaign on expert either!

Persona 4

Probably not much of a surprise! Anyone who has read more than a couple of entries on here has probably worked out that I'm a big fan of the series. Took me a while to complete 4 for some reason, it was one of those RPGs that I took a break in during the middle. It drags a bit towards the end, and some plot twists reach a bit, but the ending made up for it, and it's easily got some of my favourite characters in a JRPG. Really tempted to play through it again at some point, there's still quite a few characters I never spent much time with in game, lots of stuff to discover!

Street Fighter 4

Absolutely no surprise this one, I've spent more time on it than I dare to even consider. I'm frequently finding myself learning new things on it, and occasionally I just decide to learn a new character and then discover even more things I didn't know about. Then there's the amount of time I spend online playing people, mostly people I know, but the occasional stranger. Thankfully I'm beyond the stage of getting incredibly irritated by the antics of some people, because it was a love/hate thing for a while. Expanded version out this year as well, so I imagine it will be appearing in the next update of this style as well!

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