Friday 26 June 2009


Well, Monster Hunter Freedom Unite is now released, and at the risk of making this a Monster Hunter related blog, I've decided to do a brief follow up with my impressions of the finished product.

Firstly, I absolutely love the Felyne companions. My interest about this edition was sparked by the possibility of having someone adventuring with me, mostly as I know very few people who play the game. So, I'm currently being assisted by a little cat called Jet, who loves weapons according to his profile.

Secondly, one feature I wasn't aware of before was the option of installing data to the PSP to cut down on load times and by extension, battery life. For a portable, that's a pretty awesome idea. It wasn't a particularly large install either, weighing in at around 560MB. Although as my memory stick is a measly 1GB, I'm considering an upgrade.

Now that I've given the Felyne companions a proper go, and the addition of installation, I can't help but think that MHFU is something more than just an expansion, as those two features really add a lot to it. Otherwise, it's business as usual, I haven't really progressed far enough to see the new content.

I'm certainly excited about the prospect though!

Friday 19 June 2009

For the spirit of the hunt!

So, I've been having a little play around with that Monster Hunter Freedom Unite demo. As with most expansions, it's more of the same with extra content. Before I could get to that though, I had to deal with the abnormally strong glue that Capcom had used to keep the demo discs in the package.

After that obstacle was dealt with, it was onto the demo! My main focus was having a look at new monsters and areas, as such I only tried two out of the three scenarios. First off, I was to hunt a Hypnocatrice in the Great Forest, both of which are new to Unite I believe. I was also able to choose a Felyne companion, which are new to this edition. Rather than being solo all the time, offline players can get assisted by a small cat. I chose Kota to assist me, who was apparently best for close range fighters. Which is just as well as I was using my usual, the Long Sword.

First thing I noticed upon the start of the hunt is that you no longer have to find and then mark a monster, they're on the map right from the start. It saves some time, sure, but it was a feature I liked. Surely part of hunting is, well, hunting something. Anyway, it did enable my intrepid hunter, going by the imposing name of CAPCOM01 to get straight to work. Of course, as it's been a few months since I last played, he spent most of the encounter falling for basic mistakes and wasting some opportunities.

Regardless, CAPCOM01 prevailed. Although I did notice a lack of blood during the attacks. I'm not sure if it's been removed for the demo, and it did make critical hits easier to see, but it was slightly odd nonetheless.

Second hunt was going for a Plum Daimyo Hermitaur in the Old Desert region. This time I went for a Lance, something I've never really used before. My felyne assistant was Ginger, ideal for gunners and mostly used bombs. I just knew it was going to go well. The Hermitaur and their bigger relation, the Ceanataur are probably the monsters I enjoy fighting the most in Freedom 2. Admittedly there's very little skill involved, it usually just involves the two of us trading hits at close range until one collapses, but it's fun!

This time though, it went badly. The Lance is almost a complete opposite of the Long Sword. Instead of evasion, which I'm used to, it's more about solid defence and attacking when the chance is there. I didn't try this though, instead I chose to run at full speed, lance aimed right at the Hermitaur's face. Repeatedly. In the moments between my attacks, my Felyne ran at it while carrying bombs, in some kind of cat themed suicide run. It could have been the best offense if the attacks had connected and I didn't get blown away by the bombs. As expected, I lost that one.

Monster Hunter Freedom Unite probably won't win back anyone who disliked previous entries in the series. But it will provide even more content on top of the staggering amount that already exists. With Capcom's recent attempts to build up awareness of the series and bring in new players, along with multiple games on the way, Monster Hunter could stand a chance of succeeding in the west.

A chance that's well deserved.

Wednesday 17 June 2009

Nuns with guns

Those who know me will most likely know that I like figures. Others will no doubt be aware that I also like fighting games. Issues arise when these two interests are combined. Especially when there are multiple things. Pricey things.

I was doing my usual trawl of the internet, when I became aware that there's a figure of my favourite character from Tsukihime and Melty Blood, Ciel. As it was only a thumbnail, I had to have a closer look.

I'm really tempted with it. It's not too often that there's merchandise of her in that outfit. Or with glasses. Both of which are integral parts of the character! Maybe. But anyway, it's manufactured by enterbrain, who seem to make quite a few models of Type-Moon characters, usually in high quality, usually expensive. This particular one is a rather fetching £60, way over the limit I try to stick to.

It doesn't quite end here though. Because of the accursed 'related products' section of the site, I became away that the same sculptor has made an alternate version of this Ciel. Different outfit, similar pose.

Again, it's another one that I really like. Admittedly I already have a figure of her in this outfit, also with the oversized stake cannon, but this is really nice. Unfortunately, it's also the same price. Ideally I'd like to go for both, but I know that's a bad idea. Ideally I'd have lots of money to afford such things too but that's not the situation.

Sometimes, I think I have a bad choice of hobbies.

Monday 15 June 2009

Everyday hunting life!

I'm really quite impressed with how Capcom are pushing Monster Hunter in places other than Japan at the moment. Sure, lots of games get advertised, some with a lot more effort than others, but seeing as they're only now getting around to it with the expanded version of the second portable game, then it's better late than never. Almost seems like a novelty.

It's a bit more than I'm used to with demo discs. Last time I saw one, it was just in a plastic case and that was it. Instead, this has four discs, along with control scheme descriptions in multiple languages and how to enable the multiplayer. I've no idea how popular Monster Hunter is in mainland Europe, but it would appear Capcom are going to try and get it running there too.

I haven't actually tried the demo yet. I'm hoping it'll feature some decent solo content as that's all I'll probably be able to make use of. Regardless, I'm looking forward to what Capcom might do with the series next. But seeing as there's the Wii title on the way along with a gathering hall in London starting up next month, I'm somewhat intrigued to see what happens next.