Wednesday 28 January 2009

Street Fighter 4!

So, the intro is out on the interwebs now, and it's pretty damn smooth. I'm probably echoing a lot of other people's opinions if I say that I love the ink stylings that you get around the fighters, especially in that little sequence with Guile and Abel.

Still not entirely sure about the theme though. It has grown on me a little, but I think the saving grace is that the music that's been used on a lot of trailers turns up around halfway through. I'm also fairly sure that I prefer it to the music that Third Strike had, since that was just cringe worthy.

Saying that though, as music in fighting games go, it could always be worse!

1 comment:

  1. I heard that music when i went over to Capcom at start of January. It's bloody awful. Just does not fit at all.

    Apparently it's a deal Capcom Japan have struck and Capcom Europe and US have no choice in the matter, which sucks tbh.

